ANDY ROSS, aged 65
Originally in a punk band, he moved into music journalism and then created his own music label. He discovered bands like Blur (and Jesus Jones) and was responsible for the Britpop rivalry with Oasis.
Originally in a punk band, he moved into music journalism and then created his own music label. He discovered bands like Blur (and Jesus Jones) and was responsible for the Britpop rivalry with Oasis.
Born in 1906 in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, she lived through two world wars and lived in Poland. She became the oldest person ever in Poland and the second oldest in the world.
A linguist who spoke both German and Russian fluently, he was a noted birdwatcher, writing and translating articles and books on birds, becoming an expert. He was also arrested by the KGB as a spy.
A teacher in Belgium when the Nazis invaded in 1940, she joined the CDJ, an organisation dedicated to saving Jewish people. Despite extreme danger to herself she saved the life of many children.
Most of his family were killed in the Indian Partition, but he escaped to join the Indian army. He then became the greatest athlete in Indian history.
The last surviving daughter of the Von Trapp family, made famous in the 1965 film ‘The Sound of Music’. All is not what it seems.
A USAF pilot he was part of the Berlin Airlift. He started dropping sweets for children and became known as ‘The Candy Bomber’
After working all her life in Sweden’s textile industry she started a blog aged 100 and became a social media celebrity – the world’s oldest blogger.
A former soldier, he founded the Hells Angels in California. As well as many spells in prison, he clashed with the Rolling Stones at Altamont and advised on films such as Easy Rider.
Artist and university lecturer, she started an artistic protest at the death penalty in the United States by painting the last meals chosen by prisoners on Death Row.