A former prisoner of war, he owned an electrical company and invented the karaoke machine – although he didn’t make any money from it. He made people happy.
A former prisoner of war, he owned an electrical company and invented the karaoke machine – although he didn’t make any money from it. He made people happy.
An Italian princess who married young, into the jet set, she became an actress, a model, a fashion designer and a renown artist, mixing with the rich, powerful and famous.
Brought up in a travelling show she went on to be a beauty queen winning Miss America. A wartime pin-up and actress she started to fight for women’s rights.
Born in South America, she married four times, becoming one of the world’s richest women and a major philantropist. But two of her husbands died in mysterious circumstances.
A South African crooner he became a music superstar and a terrible actor. He was involved in a pioneering TV moment and sold eggs to the stars.
A talented jazz singer from Texas she sang with Benny Goodman. She discovered Frank Sinatra and made a formidable partnership with her husband Peanuts Hacko.
Growing up in a strict religious family she became a singing superstar in the1950s, breaking down race barriers. She moved into opera before becoming a recluse – the forgotten superstar.
A talented New York nightclub singer, she had problems with her hair. So, she invented a hair accessory which she named after her dog – and became a millionaire.